The Project

Following our previous article on the role of Santa Giusta Port in the GNL sector in Sardinia, which you can read here, this article will continue on the recent dispositions brought forward by Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, who signed on March 31st the new energy strategy for Sardinia.

This provides further projects with a two main prongs strategy for the development of a stronger energetic system needed in Sardinia. The first is through the expansion of the Tyrrhenian Link, a series of cables running between Campania, Sicily and Sardinia, for the transport of up to 1GWh of electricity. This will provide a better power exchange, especially with the rise in nonprogrammable RES like photovoltaic and wind energies in these regions. This will help meet peak demands in high-density populated regions like Sicily and Campania, whilst providing an alternative in case of black-outs and plant maintenance.

Picture: FSRU ship presently in Livorno, aft view

The second main plan details the phase off of coal-powered energy with natural gas. In view of boosting the gas supplies to the island, the plan sees the confirmed installation of two FSRU (Floating Stocking and Regasification Units) managed by SNAM in Porto Torres and Porto Vesme. A 25,000 M3 FSRU in Porto Torres will cover the energy needs of the manufacturing centers in Northern Sardinia, particularly those around the areas of Sassari and Alghero with a vessel capable of stocking up to of. In Porto Vesme, a second FSRU of a 100,000M3 capacity will instead feed the power-hungry industrial centers in Southeastern Sardinia, which specialize in metallurgy and siderurgy-related productions, and will also support the Cagliari and South Sardinia’s needs.

The two FSRU along with the Avenir’s on land GNL deposit in Santa Giusta Port, close to Oristano, will be supplied using feeders from the Panigaglia and Olt GNL deposits, on the Ligurian and Tuscanian coasts respectively. These two will guarantee the majority of the GAS supplies into the island.

Picture: FSRU ship presently in Livorno, fore view

This move will be also a step forward towards the use of hydrogen in Sardinia as this could use the same pipeline as the GNL. While the GNL will be a useful bridge in the medium term to transit from highly pollutant energy sources, like high sulphuric coal, in the long term that the same infrastructure can be reconverted to use clean hydrogen. Also, SARAS, one of Sardinia’s biggest oil and refined products companies, is aiming at boosting its production of RES with wind power and is planning new green hydrogen production.

Sardinia is in prime position in the production of RES, thanks to the abundance of favorable natural resources, in particular of direct sunlight and of wind all year round. Many projects have been brought forward, the last of which sees the authorization by the Government and the port authority of the construction of floatable wind farms off Sardinia’s territorial waters.

Star Sardinia shipping agents’ have experience in the local logistics of wind farms activities, and our expertise makes us capable of being the local partner you can trust.